Welcome to Hackettstown Baptist Church where our doors and hearts are open wide to everyone seeking to find a safe place for spiritual life, growth and fellowship.
Our goal is to lead everyone toward greater personal and corporate worship of Jesus Christ. We find that other aspects of daily living please the Lord once our worship is right. We desire to use the truth of God’s Word as the foundation for joyful worship, warm fellowship and relevant teachings – a combination that touches the heart and lifts the soul. Together we are working to become as spiritually healthy as possible so we can discern more of God’s will.
A closer look will prove that you are surrounded by people just like you – people that are filled with hopes and fears, joys and sorrows, strengths and weaknesses. The common thread being that we all are committed to growing stronger and wiser as we live for Christ..
We invite you to share in keeping God’s heart-work alive through loving, learning, growing, and reproducing His character in others.
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