Dear Church Family,

We are in the midst of a divine reminder of how much we need God.  Our loving heavenly Father is looking for our faithful response to His lead in loving Him and loving others.  God‘s lead is found in the “one anothering” verses in the Bible.  I encourage you to look them up and figure out ways to apply them in your two families at home and church.

Moving forward we will continue to meet online on Sunday mornings.  You can watch a live version of the sermon at 10:45 a.m. on YouTube, by clicking here (or go to and search for Hackettstown Baptist).  As the sermon is broadcast, you will be able to enter comments on the side bar of the webpage, either with your own comments or thoughts, responses to other people (please use this to interact in an encouraging manner, similar to how we would greet one another at church), or questions that we can answer later.  We would also encourage you to follow our Facebook page at; a link to the sermon will also be posted there each weekend.

On Wednesdays, we will continue to meet for prayer meeting using the Zoom web interface.  If you have a smartphone, first download the Zoom app (found in the App Store or Google Play), and then click on this link to access the meeting at 7:00 p.m.  If you have a computer with either a webcam, microphone, or both, you can click on this link on your computer, and the application will automatically download and guide you through entering the call (you do not need a Zoom account to access the meeting).  If you do not have a smartphone or a computer, you can also join the meeting by calling 253-215-8782 and entering the meeting ID 939875042, followed by the pound sign.  Please feel free to share this link and phone number as we want everyone to join!  I will also be sending the link and phone number out via email and text.

If you have any concerns about accessing either of these means of communication, please reach out to me and I will be happy to help you further one-on-one.

God is doing a great work in New Jersey.  I encourage you to put out the witness of His work In you through social media, texts, emails, etc.

People, reaching people, reaching others,  

Pastor Randy

Psalm 86:11-12